Mathematics of Machine Learning Workshop will take place in Bilbao

The event will be held at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics from 25 to 28 October 2022

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM organizes the Mathematics for Machine Learning workshop that will take place in the center between 25 and 28 October 2022. The event has the aim to “increase the visibility in the general mathematical community” of the mathematics of machine learning.

The workshop focuses in two target audiences: mathematicians interested in machine learning and researchers already working on it. For the first group it “can serve to obtain first-hand knowledge of machine learning from a familiar perspective and to discover the main mathematical tools used in the field.” On the other hand, for those researchers already working on machine learning, the workshop will “serve to promote interactions among researchers with shared interests and to learn about the latest results on certain specific topics.”

The event counts with prestigious researchers on machine learning who will give talks accessible to researchers working on the subject, but also to those working in other fields of mathematics. The list of confirmed speakers includes multiple internationally distinguished researchers in machine learning such as Prof. S. Dansgupta (UCSD), Prof. J. Freund (UCSD), Prof. P. Grünwald (CWI), Prof. K. Muandet (Max Planck), Prof. M. Pontil (UCL), Prof. M. Raginsky (UIUC), Prof. C. Scott (UMich), and Prof. E. Upfal (Brown U.).

We would like to encourage all the researchers interested in attending the workshop to register. For more information on the workshop and registration process, please visit the workshop website.