“Modelling, Simulation & Optimization in a Data rich Environment. A window of opportunity to boost innovations in Europe" report launch

  • The report has been developed by the European Mathematics and Industry network EU-MATHS-IN

The European network EU-MATHS-IN, of which BCAM is member through MATH-IN, in collaboration with European industry representatives, has prepared the document on its vision on "Modelling, Simulation & Optimization in a Data rich Environment. A window of opportunity to boost innovations in Europe "to promote a European Technology Platform for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ETP4MSO). As the report states, Mathematics, more specifically MSO (mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization), is an essential asset for addressing tomorrow’s challenges: knowledge, innovation and competitiveness. Although the excellence of European research in mathematics is world renowned, its interaction with the industrial world still lacks clarity. Yet, industry and the business world abound in mathematics more or less explicitly (models, statistics, algorithms, numerical simulation, optimization, etc.). In line with this vision, MSO is one of the three BCAM scientific platforms (Computational Mathematics), which has recently structured its transfer activities in the BCAM Knowledge Transfer Unit whose mission is to develop mathematical solutions for scientific challenges based on applications of real life.

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