The disseminative talks "Mathematics in Everyday Life" by Bidebarrieta Kulturgunea have begun
- The first presentation of the cycle was given by BCAM-Ikerbasque researcher María Xosé Rodríguez
The fifteenth edition of Bidebarrieta Kulturgunea's "Mathematics in Everyday Life" program, a series of scientific dissemination meetings that aim to bring mathematics and its reality to society in an enjoyable but rigorous way, has begun. The program is jointly organized by Bilbao City Council, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, with the collaboration of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and Radio Euskadi. It’s part of the calendar of annual activities of Bidebarrieta Científica. BCAM-Ikerbasque Fellow María Xosé Rodríguez opened the conference cycle with a talk titled "Randomness in everyday life", in which she spoke about her main area of research: applied statistics. The full video of her presentation is already available:
During the next few weeks, the auditorium of the Bidebarrieta Library will host a new disseminative talk every Thursday at 19:30. Among the speakers is also BCAM- UPV/EHU researcher Inmaculada Arostegui, who will speak (in Basque) about the use of mathematics in health. Admission is free until full capacity is reached. All conferences can be followed live on the website:
12 de ABRIL. 19: 30 “El azar en lo cotidiano” María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao)
19 de ABRIL. 19:30 “El milagro del primer dígito” Jorge Buescu (Universidad de Lisboa)
26 de ABRIL. 19:30 “Superficies de película... de jabón” Isabel Fernández Delgado (Universidad de Sevilla)
3 de MAYO. 19:30 “Matematikak gure osasunaren alde” Inmaculada Aróstegui Madariaga (UPV/EHU, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao)
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