+34 946 567 842
+34 946 567 842
Information of interest
- Orcid: 0000-0002-1049-9752
I am interested in modelling, monitoring and control of machining processes, like drilling or Electrical Discharge Machining.
Semi-Analytical Estimation for the Escape of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Slowly Varying Coefficients
(2024)Emerging vibrations are a major and often unpredictable limitation in engineering design. The engineering description of these vibrations is usually based on linear models with constant parameters. However, in reality, ...
The Tustin Method for approximating eigenvalues of delay systems
(2024)Numerical approximation of the eigenvalues of Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) is an active field of research due to its impact in the modelling of several processes of industrial interest. In this work we introduce the ...
Semi-analytical framework for the study of finite-time stability of forced dynamical systems with time varying parameters
(2024)We present a framework to analytically approximate the solution of forced dynamical systems with time varying parameters and to analyse their finite-time stability. The work was inspired by an example in robotic machining, ...
On C0 and C1 continuity of envelopes of rotational solids and its application to 5-axis CNC machining
(2023-10)We study the smoothness of envelopes generated by motions of rotational rigid bodies in the context of 5-axis Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining. A moving cutting tool, conceptualized as a rotational solid, ...
The Frisch–Parisi formalism for fluctuations of the Schrödinger equation
(2022)We consider the solution of the Schrödinger equation $u$ in $\mathbb{R}$ when the initial datum tends to the Dirac comb. Let $h_{\text{p}, \delta}(t)$ be the fluctuations in time of $\int\lvert x \rvert^{2\delta}\lvert ...
Counterexamples for the fractal Schrödinger convergence problem with an Intermediate Space Trick
(2021-12-09)We construct counterexamples for the fractal Schrödinger convergence problem by combining a fractal extension of Bourgain's counterexample and the intermediate space trick of Du--Kim--Wang--Zhang. We confirm that the same ...
Pointwise Convergence over Fractals for Dispersive Equations with Homogeneous Symbol
(2021-08-24)We study the problem of pointwise convergence for equations of the type $i\hbar\partial_tu + P(D)u = 0$, where the symbol $P$ is real, homogeneous and non-singular. We prove that for initial data $f\in H^s(\mathbb{R}^n)$ ...
Static and Dynamical, Fractional Uncertainty Principles
(2021-03)We study the process of dispersion of low-regularity solutions to the Schrödinger equation using fractional weights (observables). We give another proof of the uncertainty principle for fractional weights and use it to get ...
Convergence over fractals for the Schrödinger equation
(2021-01)We consider a fractal refinement of the Carleson problem for the Schrödinger equation, that is to identify the minimal regularity needed by the solutions to converge pointwise to their initial data almost everywhere with ...
A Bilinear Strategy for Calderón’s Problem
(2020-05)Electrical Impedance Imaging would suffer a serious obstruction if two different conductivities yielded the same measurements of potential and current at the boundary. The Calderón’s problem is to decide whether the ...
Reconstruction of the Derivative of the Conductivity at the Boundary
(2019-08)We describe a method to reconstruct the conductivity and its normal derivative at the boundary from the knowledge of the potential and current measured at the boundary. This boundary determination implies the uniqueness ...
A Bilinear Strategy for Calderón's Problem
(2019-08)Electrical Impedance Imaging would suffer a serious obstruction if for two different conductivities the potential and current measured at the boundary were the same. The Calder\'on's problem is to decide whether the ...