+34 946 567 842
+34 946 567 842
Information of interest
- Orcid: 0000-0003-0648-5769
Irantzu Barrio is an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. She obtained at the same university the degree in Mathematics in 2006 and the master's degree in Mathematical Modeling, Statistics and Computation in 2010. In 2015 she obtained her PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country. Her main research interests focus on the development of statistical methodology oriented to the resolution of complexities derived from scientific research, mainly in biomedical or experimental areas. Specific topics of interest are the development and validation of prediction models. She works in Clinical Epidemiology in collaboration with the Clinical Research Unit of the Galdakao Usansolo University Hospital, and also provides methodological support to researchers within the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU as well as to public or private companies and research centers of the Basque Country.
Lipidomics signature in post-COVID patient sera and its influence on the prolonged inflammatory response
(2024-04-01)Background: The ongoing issues with post-COVID conditions (PCC), where symptoms persist long after the initial infection, highlight the need for research into blood lipid changes in these patients. While most studies focus ...
Relevance of comorbidities for main outcomes during different periods of the COVID-19 pandemic
(2024-01-01)Background: Throughout the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the severity of the disease has varied. The aim of this study was to determine how patients' comorbidities affected and were related to, different outcomes ...
Estimation of logistic regression parameters for complex survey datasimulation study based on real survey data
(2024)In complex survey data, each sampled observation has assigned a sampling weight, indicating the number of units that it represents in the population. Whether sampling weights should or not be considered in the estimation ...
Age or lifestyle-induced accumulation of genotoxicity is associated with a length-dependent decrease in gene expression
(2023)DNA damage has long been advocated as a molecular driver of aging. DNA dam- age occurs in a stochastic manner, and is therefore more likely to accumulate in longer genes. The length-dependent accumulation of transcripti ...
Clinical prediction rules for adverse evolution in patients with COVID-19 by the Omicron variant
(2023)Objective: We identify factors related to SARS-CoV-2 infection linked to hospitalization, ICU admission, and mortality and develop clinical prediction rules. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 380,081 patients with ...
Five-year follow-up mortality prognostic index for colorectal patients
(2023)Purpose: To identify 5-year survival prognostic variables in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) and to propose a survival prognostic score that also takes into account changes over time in the patient's health-related ...
Variable selection with LASSO regression for complex survey data
(2023)Variable selection is an important step to end up with good prediction models. LASSO regression models are one of the most commonly used methods for this purpose, for which cross-validation is the most widely applied ...
Estimation of the ROC curve and the area under it with complex survey data
(2023)Logistic regression models are widely applied in daily practice. Hence, it is necessary to ensure they have an adequate predictive performance, which is usually estimated by means of the receiver operating characteristic ...
Estimation of cut-off points under complex-sampling design data
(2022)In the context of logistic regression models, a cut-off point is usually selected to dichotomize the estimated predicted probabilities based on the model. The techniques proposed to estimate optimal cut-off points in the ...
Selecting the number of categories of the lymph node ratio in cancer research: A bootstrap-based hypothesis test
(2021)The high impact of the lymph node ratio as a prognostic factor is widely established in colorectal cancer, and is being used as a categorized predictor variable in several studies. However, the cut-off points as well as ...
COPD classification models and mortality prediction capacity
(2019)Our aim was to assess the impact of comorbidities on existing COPD prognosis scores. Patients and methods: A total of 543 patients with COPD (FEV1 < 80% and FEV1/ FVC <70%) were included between January 2003 and January ...
A Computer Application to Predict Adverse Events in the Short-Term Evolution of Patients With Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(2018)Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common chronic disease. Exacerbations of COPD (eCOPD) contribute to the worsening of the disease and the patient’s evolution. There are some clinical prediction ...
A new approach to categorize continuous variables in prediction models: Proposal and validation
(2017-12)When developing prediction models for application in clinical practice, health practitioners usually categorise clinical variables that are continuous in nature. Although categorisation is not regarded as advisable from ...
Sample size impact on the categorisation of continuous variables in clinical prediction
(2017-12)Recent advances in information technologies are generating a growth in the amount of available biomedical data. In this paper, we studied the impact sample size may have on the categorisation of a continuous predictor ...
Comparison of two discrimination indexes in the categorisation of continuous predictors in time-to-event studies
(2017-04)The Cox proportional hazards model is the most widely used survival prediction model for analysing timeto-event data. To measure the discrimination ability of a survival model the concordance probability index is widely ...
Acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and effects of dietary 1 transfer of silver from brine 2 shrimps exposed to PVP/PEI-coated silver nanoparticles to zebrafish
(2017-03-18)The extensive use and release to the aquatic environment of silver nanoparticles (NPs) could lead to their incorporation into the food web. Brine shrimp larvae of 24 h showed low sensitivity to the exposure to PVP/PEI-coated ...