5G: Infraestructura federada de Experimentación para aplicaciones Industria 4.0

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BCAM principal investigator: Santiago Mazuelas
BCAM research line(s) involved:
Reference: KK-2021/00026
Coordinator: Vicomtech
Partners: Tecnalia
UPV/EHU - Department of Communication Engineering and Department of Informatics Languages and Systems of the Unversity of Basque Country
BCAM - Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Funding agency: Basque Government (ELKARTEK)
Type: Regional Project
Status: Ongoing Project


The overall objective of the project is to enable an internationally leading 5G technology platform, the BINDUSTRY5G platform, open and interactive, and based on the coordination of a set of advanced 5G laboratories provided by technology centres and universities of the RVCTI, and on the incorporation of research in 5G technologies to be carried out in the project into this platform, in order to make available to different actors of the Basque R&D&I and industrial ecosystem, such as RVCTI agents, universities and the Basque advanced manufacturing sector, especially SMEs, the 5G capabilities needed to meet the challenges of Industry 4. 0 challenges of the next decade with maximum guarantees. Specifically, this will enable companies in the Basque Country's advanced manufacturing sector to improve the efficiency of their production processes and reduce the associated maintenance costs, in order to remain competitive in a very demanding market, and to create new smart manufacturing products and services that, in addition to putting them at the forefront of the sector, will enable them to develop new lines of business in the field of smart industry and generate wealth and employment for Basque society. An operational objective of the project is for the BINDUSTRY5G platform to become a vehicle node of the BDIH (Basque Digital Innovation Hub).

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