COVID-19 Vacunas

COVID-19 Vacunas

Reference: BIO21/COV/001
Duration: 2021 - 2024
BCAM budget: 4400
BCAM budget number: 4400.00
Funding agency: Basque Government
Type: Regional Project
Status: Closed


Four COVID-19 vaccines are currently on the market (P zer / BioNTech, Moderna, Oxford-Astrazeneca and Janssen). It is necessary to assess the epidemiological and economic impact of the vaccination process. This requires the use of dynamic models that take into account the herd e ect. Comorbidity and socioeconomic status are associated with the risks associated with COVID-19 infection. The objective of this project is to carry out an evaluation of the epidemiological and economic impact of the vaccination program for COVID-19 in Osakidetza according to comorbidity and socioeconomic level.

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