Desarrollo de una Plataforma Computacional CFD eficiente, flexible e innovadora para la simulación y el diseño óptimo de productos y procesos industriales

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BCAM principal investigator: Lakhdar Remaki
BCAM research line(s) involved:
BCAM research area(s) involved:
Reference: 6/12/TK/2012/00020 (BFA/DFB)
Coordinator: BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Duration: 2012 - 2014
Funding agency: Provincial Council of Bizkaia
Type: Regional Project
Status: Closed


The "Computational CFD Platform 2012-2015" project goes beyond the development to be carried out within the BCAM - Baltogar research line. The aim is to create a suitable platform for the execution of applied research projects in fluid dynamic design and optimisation, in order to meet the CFD needs of numerous entities. At present, there are Basque companies that turn to foreign centres to obtain and develop this technology, given that doing so individually can be very costly. Consequently, BCAM's intention is to take advantage of the synergies between the different companies in the business fabric of the Basque Country, and particularly those belonging to the historical territory of Bizkaia, and to share the developments implemented in each of them, always respecting industrial property rights, in order to consolidate a CFD scientific pole. The purpose of creating the efficient and innovative CFD Computational Platform derives from the following secondary objectives: - To analyse suitable numerical methods for solving problems related to the flow of substances. - To define, specify and implement a software tool for optimal CFD simulation. - To develop algorithms for the optimisation of CFD designs proposed by industry. - Validate the CFD Computational Platform through tests in the industrial environment.

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