KAIROS - Digitalización predictiva del comportamiento a largo plazo de materiales poliméricos composites. Empleo de IA, modelización basada en la física y metodologías de aceleración de ensayos

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BCAM principal investigator: Marco Ellero
BCAM research line(s) involved:
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Reference: KK-2022/00052
Partners: GAIKER
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM
Duration: 01/03/2022 - 31/12/2023
BCAM budget: 133,537.97€
Funding agency: Basque Government (ELKARTEK)
Type: Regional Project
Status: Ongoing Project


KAIROS was created with the main objective of researching and obtaining a solution that allows multi-scale digitisation combined with ML and accelerated testing methodologies, for the study of the long-term behaviour (creep, fatigue, ageing) of polymeric materials applicable, for example, to the value chain of components for the automotive sector.

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