
Martín Parga Pazos

Postdoc Fellow

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M +34 946 567 842
F +34 946 567 842
E mparga@bcamath.org

Information of interest

I am currently a joint PhD Student in BCAM and CIC-bioGUNE researching on the applications of novel mathematical methods in breast cancer research. I am being supervised by Prof. Akhmatskaya, group leader of the "Modelling and Simulation in Life and Material Sciences" group in BCAM and Dr. María dM Vivanco, group leader of the "Cancer Heterogeneity Lab" in CIC-bioGUNE. 
My research interest concerns the study of Bayesian methodologies for the analysis of transcriptomic data, with special interest in multi-platform studies and the combination of multiple sources of data. More specifically, on improving Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) related methodologies though efficient integration techniques and on the error generated during this process. On the biological side, my research focuses on the applications of these methods to study acquired resistance to endocrine therapies in ER+ breast cancer,
I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Physics in the University of Santiago de Compostela and Master's degree in Industrial Mathematics at the same institution.

Date Title Place Author/s Type
2023-03-31  Modelling and Simulation in Life and Materials Science Group - Applications on Breast Cancer Edinburgh (UK) M. Parga Pazos Presentations