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ESGI 188 (European Study Group with Industry) will take place in Bilbao from 26th to 30th of May 2025

This event, organized by BCAM in collaboration with Diputación Foral de Bizkaia and BAT – B Accelerator Tower, is Europe's leading workshop bringing together mathematicians and industrial companies. In this edition there are four challenges from the following companies: Lookiero, Quantum Mads,…

About the center

BCAM is part of 'SiliconBurmuin ', Elkartek project that is formed by Basque multidisciplinary consortium with a focus on the latest neuromorphic technologies

  • SiliconBurmuin involves Ikerlan, Vicomtech, the UPV/EHU, CAF R&D, the GAIA cluster, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, BCBL, BCAM and IIS BioBizkaia.

BCAM people

Carlos Uriarte's thesis, Postdoc Fellow at BCAM, has been selected by SEMA (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada) for the ECCOMAS Awards for the Two Best PhD Theses in 2024 on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering

  • Carlos Uriarte, Postdoc Fellow at BCAM (Mathematical Design, Modelling, and Simulations), defended his thesis titled "Solving Partial Differential Equations using Artificia

About the center

More than 2,000 people celebrate Mathematics Day at the BCAM Naukas 2025 event

  • The sixth edition of the event featured a comprehensive program of activities, where mathematics and its everyday applications took center stage.

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