Azken berriak

Ikusi guztiak

Zentroari buruz

BCAM-ek ateak irekiko dizkie Bizkaiko hainbat ikastetxetako ikasleei

  • BCAM-en helburua, bisita hauekin, jakin-mina piztea eta matematikak gure bizitzako alderdi guztietan, naturatik hasi eta teknologiaraino, presente daudela erakustea da.


Ekitaldiak, Zentroari buruz

BCAMek "Bilbao-Bordeaux Workshop on PDEs" workshop-a antolatu du

  • Bilbo-Bordeaux sareko 40 partaide inguru bildu ziren Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM Bilbon

Zentroari buruz

BCAMek, UPV/EHUrekin eta Bilboko Udalarekin batera, 'Matematika eguneroko bizitzan" zikloaren edizio berri bat antolatu du apirilaren 18 eta 25ean, ostegunetan, eta maiatzaren 2 eta 8an

  • BCAMen aldetik, Verónica Álvarez Castro doktoratu ondoko ikertzaileak hitzaldi bat emango du apirilaren

Azken argitalpenak

Ikusi guztiak

Semi-blind-trace algorithm for self-supervised attenuation of trace-wise coherent noise

Abedi, M.M.; Pardo, D.; Alkhalifah, T. (2024-03-01)

Trace-wise noise is a type of noise often seen in seismic data, which is characterized by vertical coherency and horizontal incoherency. Using self-supervised deep learning to attenuate this type of noise, the conventional b...

An ETD method for multi-asset American option pricing under jump-diffusion model

Company, R.; Egorova, V.; Jódar, L. (2023-01-01)

In this paper, we propose a numerical method for American multi-asset options under jump-diffusion model based on the combination of the exponential time differencing (ETD) technique for the differential operator and Gauss–H...

Fire-spotting modelling in operational wildfire simulators based on Cellular Automata: A comparison study

López-De-Castro, M; Trucchia, A.; Morra di Cella, U; Fiorucci, P; Cardillo, A; Pagnini, G. (2023-01-01)

One crucial mechanism in the spread of wildfires is the so-called fire-spotting: a random phenomenon that occurs when embers are transported over large distances. Fire-spotting speeds up the rate of spread and starts new ign...

On an adaptive stabilized mixed finite element method for the Oseen problem with mixed boundary conditions

Barrios, T.P.; Cascón, J.M.; Gonzalez, M. (2023-01-01)

We consider the Oseen problem with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on a part of the boundary and a Neumann type boundary condition on the remaining part. Suitable least squares terms that arise from the constitu...