IKUR QUANTUM TALKS | Bell inequalities: from curiosity to security

Date: Fri, Mar 8 2024

Hour: 19:00

Location: Bidebarrieta Auditorium, Bilbao

Speakers: Artur Ekert (University of Oxford)

Register: Streaming and questions for the talk

Professor Artur Ekert will trace the fascinating journey of Bell's inequalities in the field of quantum theory. Originating in the seminal work of John Bell in 1964, these inequalities have appeared as a litmus test for the integrity of quantum theory. Despite first skepticism, later experiments, led by figures such as John Clauser and Alain Aspect, showed the violation of Bell's inequalities, opening new perspectives for exploration. Ekert, drawing on his pioneering work, will explain how these inequalities went from philosophical reflections to practical tools, especially in the field of cryptography. His presentation will highlight the transformative potential of quantum theory, not only in theoretical physics, but also in the revolution of secure communication protocols.

After the talk, Luz Roncal, Ikerbasque researcher at the BCAM will interview him and moderate the colloquium with the audience. Given the boost of quantum technologies, a mailbox has been set up for the public to ask questions to the guest.

The lecture will be in English, with Basque and Spanish on-site translation service, and the possibility to follow it in streaming in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8hFjSe8CNg

IKUR Quantum Talks are organized by Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) to raise awareness of the scientific basis and potential of quantum technologies. With public lectures and colloquia for the scientific community in Bilbao and Donostia, this program is part of the IKUR Strategy promoted by the Department of Education of the Basque Country with the support of NextGenerationEU funds through the Complementary Plans (PRTR-C17.I1).




Confirmed speakers:

Artur Ekert

Artur Ekert is a leading figure in the field of quantum cryptography, with research spanning several sides of quantum information processing. His interdisciplinary approach spans theoretical and experimental quantum physics, computer science, and information theory, with promising implications in both fundamental physics and commercial applications. His contributions have paved the way for perfectly secure communication through quantum cryptography, providing a glimpse into the future of cybersecurity amid the imminent arrival of quantum computers.

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