BCAM and the University of Trieste sign a collaboration agreement to boost international academic collaboration

  • The agreement will enhance the development of joint research activities, cooperation in academic programs, and facilitate the exchange of students and visitor programs.


With the main goal of promoting the internationalization of higher education and advancing cutting-edge research, the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Geosciences at the University of Trieste and BCAM have signed a collaboration agreement.

This agreement paves the way for the exchange of students and researchers between the two institutions, thus consolidating their joint efforts to advance knowledge and academic excellence.

With the signing of this agreement, the development of joint research activities, cooperation in academic programs, as well as student exchanges and mutual visits to the institutions of both parties will be enhanced.

Both institutions are committed to creating a conducive environment for academic excellence and innovation, and this agreement represents a firm step toward that goal. The international collaboration between the University of Trieste and BCAM will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of highly skilled professionals at the forefront of mathematical research.