BCAM people, About the center

Martin Parga will defend his thesis on Thursday, 30th May

  • The defense will take place at Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Science in Leioa

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Daniel García has defended his doctoral thesis

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Pablo Portilla and Marta Agustín have defended their doctoral theses

BCAM people, English

Simone Rusconi has defended his doctoral thesis

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Machine Learning could become a new way to guide Bioengineering efforts

BCAM people, English, English, Research

Mario Fernández-Pendás defended his doctoral thesis on Friday

BCAM in the media, BCAM people, BCAM people, English

Gorka Kobeaga talks about route optimisation in Zientzia Kaiera

BCAM in the media, BCAM people, BCAM people, English

Gorka Kobeaga talks about route optimisation in Zientzia Kaiera