BCAM will participate in the event 100xCiencia.4 on November 22 and 23

  • José Antonio Lozano, scientific director of the center, will give a talk on the contribution of mathematics in society

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM and other research centers that are part of SOMMa, the alliance of centers of excellence Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu, will participate in the fourth edition of 100xCiencia to bring science closer to society. The event organised by the Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL) will showcase the many scientific contributions made by the participating institutions that have brought positive elements to citizens. The event will take place on 22 and 23 November at the Tabakalera International Centre for Contemporary Culture in Donostia - San Sebastián.

Under the title "Building bridges between science and society: What is science doing for you?" 100xCiencia.4 will become a fair open to the public especially for the occasion. In it, everyone who attends will have at their disposal a wide variety of stands and talks to attend during the conference.

BCAM will be one of the centers that will have its own stand within 100xCiencia.4. The booth will show some of the computational simulations that the center's researchers have been developing over the last few years. As a result, it will be possible to visualize, for example, the propagation of the waves that cause migraine in the brain or the simulation of a wave in the sea. It will also be explained, in an interactive way, what artificial intelligence is and how it relates to mathematics.

The event will also be attended by the scientific director of the center, José Antonio Lozano, who will give a 15-minute TED style talk entitled "Mathematics at the service of society". In it, Lozano will present some of the contributions of applied mathematics to development and social welfare, using as an example some of the projects in which BCAM applies this discipline for the prevention of injuries in elite athletes, the optimization of the positioning of Wi-Fi points through data analysis or the optimization of resources in industrial companies, among others. In other words, how mathematics is present in so many aspects of our day to day without hardly realizing it.

100xScience.4 is a great opportunity to know first hand the impact of science in sectors such as medicine or neuroscience, among others, so BCAM encourages everyone to attend and to immerse themselves in the universe of science in a relaxed atmosphere.