Javier Fernández de Bobadilla co-organize a semester on Singularities and Low Dimensional Topology at the Erdos Centre
- It is organized together with experts in the field: Octave Curmi, Marco Marengon, András Némethi, András Stipsicz, Zoltán Szabó, Vera Vértesi
Prof. Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla, leader of the Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry group at the Basque Center for Applied Mathemtics - BCAM, organizes during the following months the semester on Singularities and low-dimensional topology at the Erdos center in Budapest (Hungary).
The semester will focus on recent developments in the theory of singularities of surfaces, and the connection with low-dimensional topology, and in particular, with Heegaard Floer homology, in order to improve the understanding of both fields. The interplay between topological and analytic invariants of singularities of isolated surfaces will have a particular interest.
During this period different outreach activities will also be carried out with a winter school, several conferences, a masterclass and research weeks focusing on specific topics.
More information at: https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/articles/singularities-and-low-dimensional-topology-2023-spring-jan-june
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