Judit Muñoz, Spanish candidate for the ECCOMAS prize for the best thesis in Europe in 2019
The Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA) has selected the thesis of the BCAM researcher in the field of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) awards annually the prize for the best thesis in Europe with the aim of recognizing two PhD students who excel at the beginning of their scientific career. Each country selects, through the national organization linked to ECCOMAS, their candidacy among the theses presented in the field of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.
The thesis of Judit Muñoz, PhD student at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM and the University of the Basque Country, has been selected by the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA) as the Spanish candidate for this award in 2019.
The thesis, entitled Explicit-in-time variational formulations for goal-oriented adaptivity, was defended last October at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU and it exposes different goal-oriented adaptativity algorithms for linear parabolic problems that depend on time based on Petrov-Galerkin formulations. It was directed by Pr. David Pardo (Ikerbasque Research Professor at BCAM and the UPV/EHU) and by Dr. Elisabete Alberdi Celaya (UPV/EHU).
As a prize for having been selected as a Spanish candidate, Judit will receive a diploma and will have the opportunity to give a talk during the CEDYA-CMA congress to be held in Gijón, from 15 to 20 June.
For its part, ECCOMAS will announce the winners on 24 April and will hold the awards ceremony during its congress, which will take place from 19 to 24 July 2020 in Paris (France).
About Judit Muñoz
Judit graduated in Mathematics in 2014 and obtained a Master's degree in Mathematical Modelling and Research, Statistics and Computing in 2015, both from the University of the Basque Country. During the summer of 2015 she was an inter within the Computational Mathematics group at BCAM, and since then she has been a regular collaborator of the center. Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher in BCAM’s research line in Simulation of Wave Propagation Simulation (SIWP).
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