Students from Solokoetxe high school visit BCAM to learn about the center

  • Several members of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics told them about their motivation to work on mathematics and the kind of research they do

More than 40 students from Solokoetxe high school in Bilbao visited BCAM yesterday to get to know the resarch done at the center. During their visit they heard the testimonies of several members of the team who told them about their interest in mathematics and what their work is about.

The talk was organized and moderated by Dae-Jin Lee, leader of BCAM's research line in Applied Statistics, who had the help of Javier Canto, PhD student in the Harmonic Analysis area with a grant from the Basque Government; Garazi Miranda, undergraduate student who is currently doing an internship in Applied Statistics; Andrea Trucchia, PhD student in Statistical Physics thanks to a predoctoral grant from La Caixa; Mario Fernández, postdoc fellow within the research line in Modeling and Simulation in Material and Life Sciences; and Lore Zumeta, research technician in BCAM's Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU) within the Data Science area.

The aim of the event was to bring mathematics closer to students and to show them the multiple opportunities of a career in this field through the experiences of the youngest members of the center; from theoretical research to applied mathematics in areas such as data science or computational simulations.

The students came to the center thanks to the contest "Incubator of soundings and experiments", a competition in which their colleague Alba Hernandez won both the regional and the national phase and that aims to promote the teaching and learning of Statistics, Probability and Operational Research at non-university educational levels.