The 2nd workshop Populations in epidemics and ecology (PinEE) takes place in BCAM

  • The participants discussed new discoveries that are potentially beneficial to many important medical, ecological, and epidemiological questions

The second BCAM-Workshop on “Populations in epidemics and ecology: Modeling and numerical simulations” (PinEE), organized with the collaboration of the University of Bordeaux, took place in Bilbao on May 16th-18th. The event brought together 23 high-profile speakers, talented young researchers, and students from world-renowned institutions in Europe, USA, China and South Korea to discuss recent research in population dynamics applied to epidemics, ecology and medicine based on mathematical models that reflect the main features of such dynamics. The main goal of the workshop was to expose the participants to new techniques, theoretical results, and discoveries in applications that are potentially beneficial to many important medical, ecological, and epidemiological questions. In fact, it happened in the framework of The Year of Mathematical Biology, a joint venture of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), whose main objectives are to celebrate the huge increase and importance of applications of mathematics to biology and life sciences in the last years and to foster the feedback loop between them for years to come. The event provided an informal forum for discussing the most recent findings, developments and challenges in several fast-growing areas of mathematical biology. Among others, the presentations in the workshop addressed asymptotic profiles in selection mutation equations, multi-scale models, an alternative way to compute population reproduction number, spatial spread of epidemics, skin structure, control of disease spread, final size of an epidemic, and different aspects of tumor growth.