The BCSC introduces the Basque industrial and research ecosystem at the world's most important cybersecurity conference
- Representatives of 15 Basque organizations linked to the field of cybersecurity, including Luis Vega from BCAM, have attended the RSA Conference in San Francisco
Fifteen Basque organisations linked to the cybersecurity sector, including BCAM, took part in a conference promoted by the Basque Cybersecurity Centre (BCSC) during the RSA Conference, the most important fair for this sector in the world, which took place in San Francisco (USA). Luis Vega, leader of BCAM’s research line in Linear and Non-Linear Waves, attended the event on behalf of the center, which is part of the BCSC’s committee together with Tecnalia, Vicomtech and IK4-Ikerlan.
During the day, a delegation from the Basque Government showed a total of 50 foreign companies and investment entities the technological capabilities of the Basque Country in the field of cybersecurity. The Regional Minister for Economic Development and Infrastructures, Arantxa Tapia, and the Director of the Basque Cybersecurity Centre, Javier Diéguez, underlined the innovative profile of the Basque Country, its industrial character and its entrepreneurial and international vocation.
On March 1st, the director of the BCSC also presented the agents of the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation that research on Cybersecurity at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -Tecnalia, Vicomtech, Ikerlan, BCAM, DeustoTech, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV-EHU, Ceit, Tecnun and Innovalia- and presented some outstanding projects for the transfer of cybersecurity technology to strategic sectors of industry.
Both meetings are part of the actions that the BCSC is carrying out to consolidate the Basque Country as a European reference for cybersecurity and to position the Basque industrial and research ecosystem beyond its borders.
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