Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures

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BCAM principal investigator: Michael Barton
BCAM research area(s) involved:
Reference: 862025 - ADAM^2 (H2020)
Coordinator: BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Partners: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
UPV/EHU - University of the Basque Country
INRIA - Insitut National de Recerche en Informatique et Automatique
RWTH - Rheinisch-Westälische Technische HochschuleAachen
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Trimek - Innovalia Metrology Trimek
Hutchinson - Hutchinson Research and Innovation center
SNU - Seoul National University
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Funding agency: FETOPEN-01-2019
Type: International Project
Status: Ongoing Project


ADAM^2 aims at questioning five decades of traditional paradigms in computer aided design CAD. While the field of CAD has been very successful in the last half a century using boundary representations, the introduction of microstructure into the design-analysis-manufacturing cycle is going to completely revolutionize geometric CAD from the ground up and into the essential volumetric representations, making an unprecedented leap in the quality of manufactured artefact. The evolution of new manufacturing technologies such as multi-material 3D printers gives rise to new type of objects that may consist of considerably less, yet heterogeneous, material, consequently being porous, lighter and cheaper, while having the very same functionality (e.g. stiffness) as the original object when manufactured from one single solid material. We propose a unified manufacturing pipeline that will focus on all stages involving Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures (ADAM^2). ADAM^2 proposes high-risky interdisciplinary research that will combine user-guided shape modelling using microstructures, followed by validation and structural optimization using physical process simulation, and finalized by physical realizations via additive and hybrid manufacturing and its subsequent validation. The results of this project will lead to scientific-technological development that impacts €2B/year CAD and €24B/year tool manufacturing European markets, and are expected to reduce the exploitation of heavy materials between an order of magnitude to two orders, in volume.

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