Bermúdez de Castro, Alfredo

University of Santiago de Compostela

Professor of University of Santiago de Compostela in Applied Mathematics

Bermúdez de Castro, Alfredo


Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Facultade de Matemáticas
Campus Vida
Santiago de Compostela
Phone: +34 8818 13192


Research Interests

Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro’s contributions are related to the field of modelling, and the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential equations. Bermúdez de Castro has been recognised by the international scientific community as a key figure in the development of his discipline in Spain, playing a pioneering role in the establishment of bridges between mathematics and industry. In this sense, his work in establishing bridges between Mathematics and Industry stands out, working in diverse fields, such as Solid and Fluid Mechanics, combustion, electromagnetism, Acoustics, Metallurgy, the Environment, Chemical Kinetics, Finance, Control Theory and Mathematical Optimisation.