Shoenauer, Marc
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France
Co-head (with Michèle Sebag) of Project-Team TAU
Deputy Research Director at INRIA, in charge of AI

Equipe-projet TAU, INRIA Saclay
LRI - Bat. Shannon 660, Université Paris Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex, FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0) 1 69 15 66 26
Research Interests
March Shoenauer started his research career in Numerical Analysis and Simulation. He gradually turned to Optimization, and to Computer Science when he encountered Evolutionary Computation. Shoenhauer worked on its application to Applied Mathematics problems, in particular Optimum Design, where Stochastic Optimization allowed to go beyond the limits of “classical” Optimization approaches. The creation of the TAO team was based on the claim that Optimization and Machine Learning. Since 2000, he has been working on the boundary between both fields. In particular, among the different scientific pillars of the TAU team, Marc Shoenhauer work more particularly in the area of Algorithm selection and configuration (AutoML in the ML area), and in the hybridization of Machine Learning and Optimization with Numerical simulation in the Big Data era.
- Associate editor of Springer (ex-Kluwer) Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (2000), Elsevier Applied Soft Computing (2001). Area Editor of JMLR (2013).
- Senior Fellow of the late International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation since 2004.
- Council Member of CSS, the Complex System Society.
- Deputy Research Director at Inria, in charge of AI
- Member of INRIA COST (Scientific and Technological Steering Committee), chair of Prospective WG (2005-2006)
- Founding President (1995-2003) of Association Evolution Artificielle (French Artificial Evolution Society)
- President of AFIA (French AI Society) (2002-2004).
See also