On 14 March, PI Day returns with BCAM-Naukas

  • The Bizkaia Aretoa is once again hosting workshops and monologues to celebrate the day

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM and the UPV/EHU's Chair of Scientific Culture are once again organising BCAM-Naukas Pi Day, which will take place on 14 March at the UPV/EHU's Bizkaia Aretoa.

The day will begin with mathematical workshops for primary and secondary school students, where the aim is to bring mathematics closer to them in a fun and attractive way. In the afternoon, the celebration will continue with 15-minute scientific talks, dynamic and accessible, which will be given in the Mitxelena hall of Bizkaia Aretoa with the aim of bringing the fascinating nature of mathematics closer to them and to make known, among other things, the properties and applications of the number Pi in everyday life.

This edition also counts with the participation of BCAM members for the talks and we can find Verónica Álvarez, PhD student of the Machile Learning group, and Miguel Camarasa, PhD student of the Linear and Non-Linear Waves group. Below, you can find the programme:


- 18:30 - 18:40: Presentation of the BCAM-NAUKAS event.

- 18:45 - 19:00: Irantzu Barrio (UPV/EHU): "Photography with mathematical lens".

- 19:00 - 19:15: Víctor García (University of Zaragoza): "A walk through the firmament, by the hand of Geometry".

- 19:15 - 19:30: Verónica Álvarez (BCAM): "Can machines change their minds over time?

- 19:30 - 19:45: Anabel Forte (Universitat de València): "Defending Newton".

- 19:45 - 20:00: Miguel Camarasa (BCAM): "How to calculate the number π with hostias".

- 20:00 - 20:15: Laura Toribio (CIEMAT): "The simple mathematics of our universe".

Access to the BCAM-NAUKAS conferences is free of charge until full capacity is reached. Those who cannot attend in person will be able to follow all the conferences live and via streaming on the Kosmos channel of EiTB. 

This is the programme for the mathematical workshops:



EP/LH 5 – 6


EP/LH 5 – 6


ESO/DBH 1 - 2


ESO/DBH 1 - 2


ESO/DBH 3 – 4


ESO/DBH 3 – 4


– 10:30

 Plantas con matemáticas

(Esaú de León)


(Jose Ignacio Royo)


Juegos Gigantes

(Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez)

Math mystery box

 (Nerea Casas)


La descarada Banda de Möbius (Juan Miguel Ribera)

A vueltas con el Oloide (Lucía Rotger)

11:00 – 12:00

 Plantas con matemáticas

(Esaú de León)


(Jose Ignacio Royo)


Juegos Gigantes

(Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibañez)

Math mystery box

 (Nerea Casas)


La descarada Banda de Möbius Juan Miguel Ribera)

A vueltas con el Oloide (Lucía Rotger)

12:30 – 13:30

Plantas con matemáticas

(Esaú de León)


(Jose Ignacio Royo)


Juegos Gigantes

(Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez)

Math mystery box

 (Nerea Casas)


La descarada Banda de Möbius (Juan Miguel Ribera)

A vueltas con el Oloide (Lucía Rotger)

The workshops are free of charge and have a maximum capacity of 35 people. Only students from the same school will take part in each workshop. For this reason, in order to accommodate a larger number of schools, each school can take part in a maximum of two workshops. Schools interested in participating should send an e-mail to kzk.ehu@gmail.com with the following information:

  • Name of the workshop they wish to take part in.
  • Timetable of the workshop
  • Number of participants
  • Name and surname of the teacher
  • Study centre
  • Contact telephone number

Pi Day

This international event was the brainchild of the American physicist Larry Shaw, who in 1988 launched the proposal to celebrate this date. The way March 14 is written in English and Basque coincides with the first three digits of the famous mathematical constant: 3-14 martxoaren 14 in Basque / 3-14 March, 14th in English. In recent years, the commemoration of Pi Day has become so widespread that on 26 November 2019 UNESCO proclaimed 14 March International Mathematics Day.