About the center
This event, organized by BCAM in collaboration with Diputación Foral de Bizkaia and BAT – B Accelerator Tower, is Europe's leading workshop bringing together mathematicians and industrial companies. In this edition there are four challenges from the following companies: Lookiero, Quantum Mads,…
About the center
BCAM people
Applied Statistics , BCAM in the media, BCAM people
Dae-Jin LEE interviewed at La Mecánica del Caracol, Radio Euskadi
BCAM people, About the center
Massimiliano LEONI interviewed at Alma Magazine about his BCAM Severo Ocho LaCaixa Grant
BCAM people, About the center
Amaia ABANDA ELUSTONDO mentor in the INSPIRA project at La Salle Bilbao Ikastetxea