Azken berriak

Ikusi guztiak

Zentroari buruz

BCAMek SegurH2 proiektuan parte hartzen du, hidrogenozko azpiegitura berdeen segurtasuna bermatzea helburu duen Elkartek proiektuan

BCAM Tecnalia buru duen partzuergo bateko kide da, eta IKOR Zentro Teknologikoak, Mondragon Unibertsitateak, EHUk eta Teknikerrek ere parte hartzen dute. BCAMen aldetik, proiektu honetan parte hartzen dute Tomás Teijeirok (Ramón y Cajal ikertzailea) eta Ana Fernández Navamuelek (Juan de la Cierva…

Zentroari buruz

BCAMek Espainiako Matematika Elkartearen (RSME) Ikertzaile Gazteen Kongresua antolatzen du

  • Bilbon eta inguruetan egingo dira biltzarreko jarduerak.

BCAM pertsonak

Carlo Estadillak bere tesia defendatuko du abenduaren 3an

  • Defentsa Leioako Campuseko Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultateko Gradu Aretoan eta online egingo da

Zentroari buruz

BCAMek parte hartu du Bizkaiko Elikagaien Bankuak antolatutako 2024ko Elikagai Bilketa Handian

  • BCAMeko ikertzaile eta administrariek boluntario gisa parte hartu zuten azaroko kanpainan, Bizkaiko Elikagaien Bankuak antolatutako 2024ko Elikagai Bilketa Handian par

Azken argitalpenak

Ikusi guztiak

Supervised Learning with Evolving Tasks and Performance Guarantees

Álvarez, V.; Mazuelas, S.; Lozano, J.A. (2025-01-09)

Multiple supervised learning scenarios are composed by a sequence of classification tasks. For instance, multi-task learning and continual learning aim to learn a sequence of tasks that is either fixed or grows over time. Ex...

Topology of Empirical Models

Imtiyaz, S.; Rodrigues, S. (2025-01-14)

Abramsky and Branderburger put forth a sheaf based interpretation of non-locality and contextuality as obstructions in inter-knitting local sections together to form a compatible global section. The synergistic interaction o...

Effective Velocity and $L^\infty$-based Well-Posedness for Incompressible Fluids with Odd Viscosity

Fanelli, F.; Vasseur, A.F. (2025-01-01)

The present paper is concerned with the well-posedness theory for non-homogeneous incompressible fluids exhibiting odd (non-dissipative) viscosity effects. Differently from previous works, we consider here the full odd visc...

Thermally driven fluid convection in the incompressible limit regime

Fanelli, F.; Feireisl, E. (2024-01-01)

We consider a scaled Navier–Stokes–Fourier system describing the motion of a compressible, heat-conducting, viscous fluid driven by inhomogeneous boundary temperature distribution together with the gravitational force of a m...