5th EACA International School on Computer Algebra and its Applications

Data: Al, Abe 21 2020

Ordua: 9:00 - 19:00 h.

Lekua: BCAM (Alameda Mazarredo 14, Bilbao)

Hizlariak: Rusconi S., Dutykh D., Zarnescu A., Sokolovski D., Akhmatskaya E.

Erregistroa: https://wp.bcamath.org/siamms20/

UPDATE: We regret having to inform you that due to the Coronavirus outbreak the conference has to be postponed for a year. More info: wp.bcamath.org/siamms20

Since 1994, every 2 to 4 years the SIAM Materials Activity Group organizes the SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science. In 2020, the Conference will be organized in collaboration with the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics and will take place in Bilbao, from 18-22 May 2020.

This conference focuses on interdisciplinary approaches that bridge mathematical and computational methods to the science and engineering of materials. The conference provides a forum to highlight significant advances as well as critical or promising challenges in mathematics and materials science and engineering. In keeping with tradition, the conference seeks diversity in people, disciplines, methods, theory, and applications.


Conference co-chairs:

  • Rustum Choksi (McGill University, Canada)
  • Govind Menon (Brown University, USA)
  • Arghir Zarnescu (BCAM, Spain)

Organizing Committee:

  • Gregoire Allaire (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
  • Katayun Barmak (Columbia University, USA)
  • Maria Carme Calderer (University of Minnesota, USA)
  • Antonio De Simone (SISSA, Italy)
  • Weinan E (Princeton University, USA)
  • Gilles Francfort (Paris 13, France and Courant Institute, USA)
  • Felix Otto (Max Planck Institute Leipzig, Germany)
  • Antoni Planes (University of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Endre SÜLI (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
  • Peter Voorhees (Northwestern University, USA)
  • Arthur Voter (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

Hizlari baieztatuak:

  • Marino Arroyo, Universitat Politenica de Catalunya (Spain)
  • Blaise Bourdin, Louisiana State University (USA)
  • Carlos Garcia Cervera (U. of California at Santa Barbara, USA and BCAM, Spain)
  • Qiang Du, Columbia University (USA)
  • Maria Giovanna Mora, University of Pavia (Italy)
  • Antoine Gloria, Universite Pierre et Marie Currie (France)
  • Alain Goriely, U. of Oxford (UK)
  • Elizabeth Holm, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
  • Cyrill Muratov, New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA)
  • Danny Perez, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
  • Angkana Rüland, Max Planck Institute (Germany)
  • Jeffrey Rickman, Lehigh University (USA)
  • James Sethna, Cornell University (USA)
  • Yang Xiang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China)

The details about the event and the registration process are already available at wp.bcamath.org/siamms20.

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