BCAM Seminar - Hardy Sobolev inequalities / Nonlinear filtering and control of stochastic descriptorsystems with applications to PDAES

Data: Az, Uzt 15 2009

Lekua: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, TIFR, India / Magdeburg, Germany


Hardy Sobolev inequalitie

Using the fundamental solution of an elliptic operator we give a general method of obtaining Hardy-sobolev inequaltieis and the Reminder terms. This method allows to obtain Hardy sobolev type inequalities on Riemann Manifolds.

Nonlinear filtering and control of stochastic descriptor systems with
applications to PDAES

By means of Riccati transformation we recently have generalized the Kalman-Bucy filter, LQG, and H_infty filter and control to stochastic descriptor systems in continuous-time. The so-called direct discretization method for optimal control problems is applied to constrained multi-body systems. Derivations, structural issues, and numerical results are sketched. We point out directions for future research and a descriptor systems approach to filtering and control of the Navier-Stokes equation.