BCAM Seminars for Data Scientists

Data: Az, Api 22 2015

Ordua: 16:00

Hizlariak: Dae-Jin Lee, Josu Najera and Álvaro Fierro

April 22, 2015

Dae-Jin Lee, BCAM - Applied Statistics

What is Data Science?

In general terms, Data Science consists of extracting knowledge from data. It employs techniques and concepts from many fields such as mathematics, statistics, engineering, signal processing, probability, computer science, operations research, data warehousing and high performance computing. The field of Data Science is emerging at the intersection of the fields of social sciences, statistics, information and computer science, biology, medicine and healthcare. One of the main characteristics of Data Science is the diversity of knowledge from multidisciplinary teams with the objective of solving new challenging problems. 

Why these seminars at BCAM? 

BCAM research area in Data Science organises these seminar series to gather around researchers (particularly undergraduate, postgraduate, master students, PhD. students, Postdocs and early career researchers) in different areas in the Basque Country that utilise statistical methods, data analysis, simulation and computational techniques for solving new challenging problems with particular interest in understanding the potential value it brings for society. The seminars are also open to practitioners and industrial partners interested in sharing their problems and challenges. 


Bring together people interested in Data Science.

Foster a safe environment for Data Scientist where everyone feels comfortable to share and learn.

Create a "community" of Data Scientists interested in learning about interesting problems and present their results to a "friendly" audience.

Be open to new ideas on how to make this group an exciting growth opportunity for everyone.


After a short introduction about this activity, a first talk will be given Josu Najera (BCAM PhD Student) who will present his recent work on Beta-Binomial regression for Health Related Quality of Life index data. A second talk will be given by Álvaro Fierro (Tenzing-Urbegi) who will present his recent projects on Data Analytics and Brand Monitoring

Please be aware that due to the potential variety of the audience some of discussions and presentations could be in spanish.


BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, Tenzing-Urbegi

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Dae-Jin Lee

Josu Najera

Álvaro Fierro