Eighth Math Colloquium BCAM - UPV/EHU

Data: Az, Mai 6 2020

Ordua: 12:00

Lekua: Online

Hizlariak: Benoît Perthame is a professor at Pierre-et-Marie Curie University and at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions. He is a specialist in kinetic equations and has been a pioneer in the field of mathematical biology. He has received numerous distinctions including the Blaise Pascal prize, the CNRS Silver Medal and the Inria Prize. He has also been elected a member of Academia Europaea, the French Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences.

We are glad to announce that the 8th Math Colloquium BCAM-UPV/EHU will take place on Wednesday, May 6th, at 12:00 pm. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the talk will be streamed online and users will be welcome to join using the video conferencing tool BBCollaborate

Prof. Benoît Perthame: Multiphase models of living tissues
The mechanical modeling of living tissues has attracted much attention in the last decade. Applications include tissue repair and growth models of solid tumors. These models contain several levels of complexity, both in terms of the biological and mechanical effects, and therefore in their mathematical description. Multiphase models describe the dynamics of several types of cells, liquid, fibers (extra-cellular matrix) and both compressible and incompressible models are used in the literature. In this talk we will discuss the analysis of multiphase models based on Darcy's assumption. The compactness issue leads us to use Aronson-Benilan estimate and to build new variants. I shall also discuss the incompressible limit in special cases and the associated free boundary problem.

Before his upcoming lecture, we´ve had the chance to interview Prof Benoit Perthame and ask him about his career, his research interests and his focus on the application of mathematics to real-life problems. You can read the complete interview in the following link: http://ow.ly/6rFq50zvRHd.

UPDATE: The video of the lecture is already available here: https://eu-lti.bbcollab.com/recording/f038f80d655948fd952505e41a2639fd


Pierre-et-Marie Curie University and Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (France)

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Benoît Perthame