Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Riesz basis of exponentials for convex polytopes with symmetric faces

Data: Og, Eka 16 2022

Ordua: 17:00

Lekua: BCAM Semianar room and Online

Hizlariak: Alberto Debernardi

LOCATION: BCAM Semianar room and Online

We will discuss a joint result with Nir Lev, which states that for any convex and centrally symmetric polytope Ω ⊂ R^d , whose faces of all dimensions are also centrally symmetric, there exists a Riesz basis of exponential functions for L^2(Ω). This result extends previously known statements in this direction due to Lyubarskii and Rashkovskii, and also due to Walnut (d = 2), and by Grepstad and Lev (in arbitrary dimensions), where the same conclusion is obtained under the additional assumption that all the vertices of Ω lie in the lattice Z^d . 

Link to the session:

More info at


CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Alberto Debernardi