Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Rotational smoothing

Data: Og, Ira 30 2021

Ordua: 12:00

Hizlariak: Pedro Caro

Rotational smoothing is a phenomenon consisting in a gain of regularity by means of averaging over rotations. This phenomenon is present in operators that regularize only in certain directions, in contrast to operators regularizing in all directions. The gain of regularity is the result of rotating the directions where the corresponding operator performs the smoothing effect. In this talk I will present very recent results on the rotational smoothing phenomenon for a specific class of operators. These results were obtained in collaboration with Cristobal J. Meroño and Ioannis Parissis. Despite the analysis of rotational smoothing is motivated by the resolution of some inverse problems under low-regularity assumptions, we will focus on the theoretical framework of this phenomenon, and put applications aside.

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Hizlari baieztatuak:

Pedro Caro