Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: On the topology of the magnetic lines of solutions of MHD

Data: Og, Uzt 14 2022

Ordua: 12:00

Lekua: UPV/EHU Seminar room and Online

Hizlariak: Renato Lucá

LOCATION: UPV/EHU Seminar room and Online

We give examples of solutions to the magnetohydrodynamic equation with positive resistivity for which the topology of the magnetic lines changes under the flow. By Alfv�n's theorem this is known to be impossible in the ideal case (resistivity = 0). This is a joint work with Pedro Caro and Gennaro Ciampa.

Link to the session:

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Hizlari baieztatuak:

Renato Lucá