Light PhD Seminar | Memory of a quantum particle moving on imaginary time

Data: Az, Ira 4 2024

Ordua: 12:30

Lekua: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

Hizlariak: Antón Uranga (BCAM)


Analytical continuation of classical equations of motion to complex times suggests that a tunnelling particle spends in the barrier an imaginary duration $i|\mathcal{T}|$. Does this mean that it takes a finite time to tunnel, or should tunnelling be seen as an instantaneous process?

It is well known that examination of the adiabatic limit in a small additional AC field points towards $|\mathcal{T}|$ being the time it takes to traverse the barrier. However, this is only half the story. We probe the transmitted particle's history, and find that it 'remembers' very little of the field's past behaviour, as if the transit time were close to zero. The ensuing contradiction suggests that the question is ill-posed, and we explain why.

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Antón Uranga (BCAM)

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