Matematikhariak: steam week of BCAM

Data: Ar, Mar 14 - Az, Mar 15 2023

Ordua: 09:00

Lekua: Bizkaia Aretoa and BCAM

Hizlariak: More info below


18:30 - 18:40: Presentation of the BCAM-NAUKAS event.
18:45 - 19:00: Irantzu Barrio (UPV/EHU): "Photography with mathematical lens".
19:00 - 19:15: Víctor García (University of Zaragoza): "A walk through the firmament, by the hand of Geometry".
19:15 - 19:30: Verónica Álvarez (BCAM): "Can machines change their minds over time?"
19:30 - 19:45: Anabel Forte (Universitat de Valencia): "Defending Newton".
19:45 - 20:00: Miguel Camarasa (BCAM): "How to calculate the number Pi with hostias".
20:00 - 20:15: Laura Toribio (CIEMAT): "The simple mathematics of our universe".

Access to the BCAM-NAUKAS conferences is free of charge until full capacity is reached. Those who cannot attend in person will be able to follow all the conferences live and via streaming on the Kosmos channel of EiTB. 

Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao


Ainhize Barranikua and Anton Uranga will receive at BCAM a group of 30 people between 10 and 14 years old with the aim of bringing mathematics closer to them. During 1 hour, participants will carry out different activities to get to know and learn more about mathematics. 

Maryan Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM | 18:00

Its aim is to promote the meeting between young people and STEAM researchers/professionals. It is a very informative event where young people (divided into small groups) present their scientific work to the researchers and, on the other hand, the researchers talk to them about our work or projects in which we are involved in a relaxed way (and the groups and professionals take turns).
Cristina Galán will take part from BCAM. 

Bilbao Arena, Bilbao | 17:30

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Irantzu Barrio 
Víctor García 
Verónica Álvarez 
 Anabel Forte Laura Toribio