Ninth Math Colloquium BCAM - UPV/EHU

Data: Az, Abe 2 2020

Ordua: 12:00

Lekua: Online

Hizlariak: Vicente Muñoz got his PhD in 1996 at University of Oxford (UK). He is currently full professor at Universidad de Málaga (Spain). His research interests lie in differential geometry, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. More specifically, rational homotopy theory, gauge theory, moduli spaces, symplectic geometry, complex geometry and functions of one complex variable. He has published more than 100 research papers and the popular book "Distorting Shapes" (editorial RBA), which has been translated into 6 languages.

We are glad to announce that the 9th Math Colloquium BCAM-UPV/EHU will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd, at 12:00 pm. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the talk will be streamed online and users will be welcome to join using the video conferencing tool Bb Collaborate

Vicente Muñoz: Geometric structures on manifolds and topology
In Geometry and Topology the ambient spaces are the manifolds. It is natural to endow them with geometric structures that allow to realize and understand different types of operations (measurements, movements, solving differential equations). The most prominent geometric structures are those coming from Physics or Algebra (in particular Algebraic Geometry), and very remarkable results are those in which a geometric structure (of local nature) yields global properties of a manifold (its topology).
Among the diverse geometric structures, we will focus on complex structures (appearing for algebraic varieties) and its cousing the symplectic structutres, that happen in even dimensions. In odd dimensions, we will discuss the Sasakian and contact structures, mentioning some novel results on the topology of Sasakian manifolds.


Universidad de Málaga

Hizlari baieztatuak:

Vicente Muñoz