Massimiliano LEONI interviewed at Alma Magazine about his BCAM Severo Ocho LaCaixa Grant
Massimiliano LEONI studied Mathematical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. He GOT a Severo Ochoa Doctorate GRANT awarded by "La Caixa". Since last year he has been doing a doctorate between the BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, under the supervision of Johan JANSSON on "numerical methods" and their applications in the study of medicine and biology, among others.
"All the projects in which I participate have to do with movements of fluids: air, water, blood ... One of them is the simulation of a kind of cardiac surgery that allows certain arrhythmias to be cured."
Massimiliano thinks that the scholarship is "fundamental" to be able to live and devote himself completely to research and that it has been a "fantastic opportunity" to continue with his academic career.
Javier MARTÍNEZ PERALES and Abolfazl SHIRAZI also have obtained La Caixa's grants last year and are carry out their doctorate research in BCAM. (min. 46 aprox)
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