
Tomás Chacón Rebollo

External Scientific Member

Argazkirik ez

T +34 946 567 842
F +34 946 567 842

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I am Doctor in Mathematics and Numerical Analysis by the universities of Sevilla and Paris VI, respectively. My scientific specialties are Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Analysis. My scientific interests include mathematical and numerical turbulence modeling, numerical modeling of environmental flows (especially Oceanic flows), stabilized finite element methods (in particular Variational Multi-Scale methods), vortex methods and sustainable design of buildings by Reduced Order Methods, among others. 

 I am also very interested by the management of educational and scientific organizations. In particular, I have been the chairman of the Doctorate Programme "Advanced Mathematics", chair of the Department of Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis and currently I am chairman or ICIAM 2019 Congress.

Title Institution Position Dates Type Link
ICIAM 2019 ICIAM 2019 Chair 01-01-2013 Scientific Committees