Reference: KK-2016/00052
Duration: -
BCAM budget: 30,135.00
Funding agency: Basque Government
Type: Regional Project
Status: Closed


"The present project is a continuation of the LANA project. All the new industrial trends point to the fact that the concepts proposed in LANA are key to strengthening the industrial sector, that in the future they will form a core part of the industrial sector and that, together with other concepts, they will form part of the driving force for its development. The LANA II continuation project aims to continue its contribution to the development of the Smart Factory concept in the Basque Country through research and development of the scientific-technological lines in the ICT field that support it. With the collaboration of different technology centres and university departments specialising in different technologies, technologies will be developed and integrated that can be transferred to industry in the future, helping to position the Basque Country in a good position in this field of R&D&I at an international level. The concept of the smart factory central to the project is based on the paradigm known as Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet, which applies new information and communication technologies to industry and manufacturing in order to make it more flexible, more agile, more efficient and more sustainable. The LANA II project maintains the same focus as LANA and therefore pursues the same specific objectives: - Research into strategic lines related to smart factories that support the development of Basque Industry 4.0. - To promote the generation of new paradigms and support tools for the new product-service engineering, as well as the generation of business through the creation of new value-added services. - To strengthen collaboration between scientific-technological and business agents. - Promote the dissemination and transfer of knowledge between RVCT agents and society. society. Within the project, 4 technological axes have been identified in which to develop research tasks in order to contribute to the proposed objectives and transversal activities in the field of the generation of new knowledge: - Digital Production Data in the Factory: From Data to information Knowledge - Human Centered Assistance Systems - Connectivity-IoT/Flexible Configuration - Cyber Physical Equivalence"