Reference: KK-2017/00044
Duration: -
BCAM budget: 31,126.40
Funding agency: Basque Government
Type: Regional Project
Status: Closed


"This project is the embryo from which a cybersecurity ecosystem will be generated, prioritising the development of doctoral theses, the presentation of articles in leading journals, the presentation of papers in technological forums, the generation of patents that protect the IP (Intellectual Property) generated and will also facilitate the future presence of researchers in prestigious European universities as well as participation in H2020 projects. The main objectives of this project are twofold: - O1: To develop cybersecurity technologies that provide a solution to the Advanced and Intelligent Business of Basque Industry, and prevent attacks and protect the business of Basque industrial companies, researching into a New Generation of secure components that are integrated into the industrial ecosystem. - O2: To guarantee the competitiveness and excellence of the agents of the Basque Research Network, around first level cybersecurity technologies (with scopes TRL3 and 4, which in subsequent phases of the project will reach scopes TRL 5, 6 and 7) suitable for the needs of the Basque industrial fabric, so that they can be easily transferred."