Elena Akhmatskaya featured in Quo magazine

  • The BCAM researcher has been included in the list of women scientists facing the biggest challenges of the 21st century according to the science and technology magazine

In its March issue, Quo magazine, which specializes in science, technology, health and nature, has dedicated an article to women who are facing some of the great scientific challenges of this century. The 12 scientists featured in the article work in fields as diverse as physics, medicine, mathematics and biology. Among them is the researcher Elena Akhmatskaya, who leads the Modelling and Simulation in Life and Material Sciences group at BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. Akhmatsakaya explains in Quo that "she is creating detailed models and simulations of extremely thorny systems and phenomena arising in industry, the environment, health and society" and that her biggest challenge is "to translate physical or biological problems into mathematical language". The full article (in Spanish) is already available on the magazine's website: http://www.quo.es/ciencia/los-grandes-desafios-del-siglo-xxi-estan-en-manos-de-estas-12-cientificas