Students from IBVM Irlandesas school in Leioa visit BCAM

  • The students won the regional phase of the "Incubator of soundings and experiments" competition in which the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics collaborates

Six students from the IBVM Irlandesas school in Leioa visited the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics last Friday. Accompanied by their teacher Leire Urrutia, they enjoyed a disseminative talk given by Dae-Jin Lee, leader of BCAM's research line in Applied Statistics, as a prize for winning the regional phase of the "Incubator of surveys and experiments" competition.

Organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research of the Faculty of Science and Technology (ZTF-FCT) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), with the collaboration of Basque Institute of Statistics (EUSTAT) and BCAM, the contest aims to promote the teaching and learning of Statistics, Probability and Operational Research at non-university educational levels.

The students from Irlandesas won the first prize in the regional phase of the competition, which was judged by BCAM researchers Inmaculada Arostegui and Dae-Jin Lee, and participated in the national final in Oviedo in June 2017. Their project consisted of analyzing through statistics the opinions of the students in their school about new technologies, the school's staff and bullying.