Andrea Trucchia, Daniel Eceizabarrena and Javier Martinez Perales will participate in BYMAT (Bringing Young Mathematicians Together)

  • The BCAM PhD students will be speakers at the event that will be held in Madrid between 7 and 9 May

Doctoral students from the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Andrea Trucchia, Daniel Eceizabarrena and Javier Martinez Perales will be speakers at the first BYMAT (Bringing Young Mathematicians Together) conference. The event, which will take place in Madrid on 7, 8 and 9 May, aims to bring together PhD students from different disciplines to present their work, network and learn about the many possibilities of a professional career in Mathematics.

Andrea Trucchia, who obtained a doctoral grant from La Caixa in 2014 and is currently preparing his thesis in the field of Statistical Physics, will give a presentation on his main area of interest: propagation in random media. In particular, he will discuss his research on Surrogate-based analysis of turbulence and fire-spotting in wild-land fire modeling.

Daniel Eceizabarrena is part of BCAM's research line in Linear and Non-Linear Waves, after having obtained a FPU grant from the Ministry of Education. During his talk at BYMAT he will present some results on his research on fractality, taking the Talbot effect as a starting point.

Finally, Javier Martínez Perales (La Caixa Scholarship 2015), will talk about Poincaré and Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities through tools from Harmonic Analysis, his main area of research at BCAM.