Luz Roncal and Diana Stan, organizers of the 2018 Summer School on Nonlocal interactions in Partial Differential Equations and Geometry

  • The BCAM researchers chaired this event supported by the European Women in Mathematics and the European Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics

Researchers Luz Roncal and Diana Stan, from the Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Research Line at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, organized a Summer School on Nonlocal interactions in Partial Differential Equations and Geometry under the auspices of the European Women in Mathematics and the European Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics. These organizations aim to support and promote the recognition of the achievements of women mathematicians, and to encourage women to pursue careers in this area.

The event happened between 21-25 May at the Mittag Leffler Institute in Sweden and was oriented to PhD and postdoc students interested in the area of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Elliptic PDE’s) with motivation from Geometrical Analysis.

The main goals of the Summer School were to introduce two research lines of interest in this area; Geometric Aspects of Phase Separation and The Fractional Yamabe Problem, and to to provide visibility to the important mathematical community working in the area of Elliptic PDE’s in Europe, in particular brilliant women mathematicians with strong influence in the development of the field.

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