First school for the dissemination of mathematics organized by the DiMa Network

  • BCAM supports this meeting aimed at those who want to learn how to bring mathematics closer to the general public

The Network for the Dissemination of Mathematics (Red de Divulgación Matemática-DiMa) is organising, for the first time in Spain, a training school for the dissemination of this discipline. The meeting is aimed at teachers, researchers and students of mathematics, as well as communicators and science journalists or other interested people, who want to learn tools to bring this discipline closer to the general public, through different channels.

The school will take place from the 25th to the 28th of June at the headquarters of the Centre for Mathematical Encounters (CIEM) located in Castro Urdiales and will feature theoretical and practical sessions given by lecturers with extensive experience in this matter such as Claudi Alsina, Marta Macho, Ágata Timón, Fernando Blasco, Clara Grima, Raúl Ibáñez, Antonio Pérez and Pedro Alegría. These sessions will provide, in a practical way, recommendations and learning on oral communication, relationship with the media, use of social networks, and so on.

The registration period is now open on the event's website, where the full programme can also be consulted. The school is organized by the DiMa Network and counts, among others, with the collaboration of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME), the Spanish Mathematics Committee (CEMat), the University of Cantabria or the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT).