Luis Vega participates in the presentation of the Bilbao Quantum Computing Hackathon at the Annual Meeting of INNOLAB

  • The researcher, who leads the BCAM group in Linear and Non-Linear Waves, was one of the speakers at the event dedicated by INNOLAB to Quantum Computing and Open Innovation

Inno Lab, the space promoted by Bilbao City Council based on the use of new technologies and whose main objectives include the dissemination of knowledge linked to digitalisation, held its annual meeting on 22 November.

In addition to its partners, including the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, the representatives of numerous Basque companies also took part. Quantum Computing and Open Innovation were the main themes of the event, which began with a presentation by the heads of INNOLAB, Gorka Martinez and Iraia Monteagudo.

This was followed by a case study session where Open Innovation has been applied in a real way and a presentation by Elena Yndurain, head of quantum computing strategic consulting at IBM Q in the United States, in which she explained exactly what Quantum Computing is and all the potential it harbours.

Finally, Iñigo L. Egusquiza (UPV/EHU), Pablo García Bringas (University of Deusto) and Luis Vega, BCAM researcher, presented the Bilbao Quantum Computing HACKATHON that will take place in Bilbao on 9 and 10 December with the aim of promoting the positioning of Euskadi as a reference region in this disruptive technology.

Organized by the QUTIS Research Group of the University of the Basque Country, IBM and INNOLAB Bilbao, with the support of BCAM, the University of Deusto and Fortaleza, this event will be a unique opportunity for the contestants to participate in a challenge on one of the biggest technological revolutions of the last decades and to be advised by the best scientists and experts of the quantum computing industry. Details of the Hackaton and the registration form are available at the following link: