The BCAM-NAUKAS event on Pi Day will take place behind closed doors and users will be able to follow the conferences via streaming

This 2020 the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, Naukas and the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country, had joined again the celebration of the Day of Pi with the third edition of the event BCAM-NAUKAS. However, following the recommendations of the WHO and the Department of Health of the Basque Government on measures to prevent the coronavirus epidemic, COVID19, the Chair of Scientific Culture has decided to suspend the mathematical workshops for students that were scheduled for that day. The six 15-minute conferences scheduled for the afternoon of Friday 13 will continue.

They will be held behind closed doors but users will be able to follow them via streaming on the Kosmos EITB channel. The programme of these conferences can be consulted below:

19:00 - 21:00 BCAM-NAUKAS

The aim of these talks will be to bring closer the fascinating nature of mathematics and to make known, among others, the properties and applications of the Pi number in everyday life.

19:00-19:15: Presentation

19:15-19:30: Pablo Rodríguez (Netherlands eScience Center): “Con matemáticas en los ojos”.

19:30-19:45: Carmen Quinteiro (Universidad de Vigo):Sembrando cuadrados, cosechando árboles”.

19:45-20:00: Adolfo Quirós (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “El número pi y la muralla de Cartago”.

20:00-20:15: Ekhine Irurozki (BCAM): “Verdades y mentiras de los sistemas de votación”.

20:15-20:30: Javier Fernández de Bobadilla (BCAM): “Las matemáticas solo revelan sus secretos a sus más pacientes seguidores: ideas a fuego lento”.

20:30-20:45: Almudena M. Castro (Grupo MásMóvil, divulgadora científica): “El último puzzle de Bach”.  


Official statement of the Chair of Scientific Culture, agreed with BCAM and Naukas