BCAM collaborates with BiSKY Team providing training on Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques

  • A member of this team of students from the UPV/EHU whose aim is to design and build a suborbital rocket will carry out a research stay at the center through the internship programme

BiSKY Team is a group of students from the School of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country that was created in 2018 and whose mission is to design and build a rocket to reach the so-called "Karman line", which represents the limit between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space, established at 100 kilometers above sea level. The team is made up of several groups that are responsible for aspects such as the structure, propulsion, business, avionics, aerodynamics and flight control of the rocket, and is advised by the faculty of the School of Engineering.

Through a recently signed collaboration agreement, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM will also offer BiSKY Team training in aspects related to the development of Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques to contribute to the simulation of the descent of the suborbital rocket.

This training will be carried out through BCAM’s internship programme, and Pablo Díez, a member of the flight control and simulation group of BiSKY Team has already joined the center for a research stay. His internship will be supervised by César Ernesto Hernández, researcher of the Machine Learning group at BCAM who is an expert in data processing techniques for energy management.