Javier Fernández de Bobadilla, Ikerbasque Professor at BCAM, will run a semester of the Jean-Morlet Chair
- The collaboration will be carried out together with Prof. Anne Pichon from the Institute of Mathematics in Marseille
Prof. Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla, Ikerbasque researcher and leader of the Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry group at the Basque Center for Applied Mathemtics - BCAM, will lead a Jean-Morlet chair with the collaboration of Anne Pichon, professor at Aix-Marseille University and member of the Institute of Mathematics of Marseille, as local leader. It will take place at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), in Marseille, during the second semester of 2021.
The chair will deal with the Singularity Theory from Modern Perspectives. The main public events will be a Workshop on Lipschitz Geometry, a research school on Milnor's Fibre and Degenerations in Algebraic Geometry, and a conference on Singularity Theory in a broad sense. In addition, there will be several "Research in Pairs" exploring connections to Floer Homology and non-architectural geometry, a guest programme, a seminar and an outreach activity by artist Sylvie Pic that will deepen the connection of art and mathematics. All information can be found at the following address: https://www.chairejeanmorlet.com/2021-2-bobadilla-pichon.html
The Jean-Morlet Chair is a scientific programme created at the CIRM in 2013. Jean Morlet was a pioneering French geophysicist in the field of wave analysis. His colleagues and friends were looking for ways to pay tribute to him and celebrate his work. That is why in 2012 the idea came up of linking his name to a new scientific programme, an opportunity to carry out pioneering work in all fields of mathematics.
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